History of the MS50

The Mississippi 50 was conceived by Grant and Donna Egley in 1979. The first run was held in March 1980, in Leland Mississiipi, where it was held for the next 15 years. When the Egleys (unaccountably) moved from Mississippi to North Carolina, Carl Touchstone moved the race to Laurel. Below are some pictures of the early races, and the 1992 race bulletin, which has good information on the origins of the race. 

Many thanks to Donna and Grant Egley for bringing ultrarunning to Mississippi, and for generously loaning us these materials. 

If anyone else has pictures or results of historical interest, please loan them to us when you get a chance.

1982 photo:  Billye Butler, Carl Touchstone, and Dale Stiles.  
The back foursome (left to right): Mike Sandlin, Grant Egley, Norm Klein, and Rick Newswander

1983  - Grant Egley, Race Director 

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