Volunteer Run

Carl Touchstone Memorial Mississippi 50 Trail Volunteer Run

Each year, starting in 2009, a Carl Touchstone Memorial Mississippi 50 Trail Volunteer Run is held the weekend before the open event. This is a closed race for qualified* ultra runners only. The Volunteer run is an official MS50 Trail run, and counts toward the ten year award.

In 2009 Randy Saxon, David Dill, Charles Felsher and Dennis Bisnette ran the volunteer run the weekend before the race (2/28/09) and each completed 50 Miles. They were each awarded finisher mementos, race shirts, and 50M finisher buckles, the second or third buckle for most.

We hope to have many more entries to the MS50 Volunteer Run in future years, with finishers at each distance.

During the Volunteer Run, it was discovered that new burns had made much of the regular course unpleasant. So lots of additional work by Randy, Dennis, G'dad and others were required to lay out a modified course to use in the open race.

On race eve the Volunteer runners helped mark and set up the course, and then manned the prerace dinner and registration. Race day they were back in the woods in the wee hours to finish set-up of all the aid stations and finish line. Then Randy and Charles manned an aid station (it is not clear whether it was #1 or #2). David Dill ran the start/finish line and posted results to the official timing boards, and Dennis was Race Director, managing everything involved with such a huge event. All were on station at least by 0330 and did not leave till everything was taken down and loaded on the rental truck at 7 pm.

Simply put, a quality race could not be put on without knowledgeable, able, runners willing to sacrifice the time and effort involved. They give up their chance to be a participant in the only ultra run in Mississippi. The Volunteer Run gives them the opportunity to run an equally challenging (and even more prestigious ?) Spring ultra locally. Many thanks and Kudos to David, Charles, Randy, and Dennis.

* Must be breathing, physically fit enough to stand up all day, and pledge to work your tail off race eve and race day.